About Rolling Acres Farm

Rolling Acres Farm is a family-owned farm located in Everson, Washington. We (Jason, Devi and our two children) are committed to raising the best grass-fed beef in Whatcom County. Our animals are individually raised from birth on the farm and are allowed to forage on our pastures as they please for their entire lives. During the cold winter months we supplement with hay taken from our pastures.

We work hard each day to ensure our cattle are raised humanely in a facility that is safe and fosters herd health. Our mission is to provide exceptional grass-fed beef from cattle raised on a chemical-free, 100% grass diet. Although our beef is not certified organic, we do not use herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers on our pastures.

At the end of the day, we enjoy working as a family to raise a product that we are happy to place on our own tables, and share with all our friends. We know high quality meats from large operations are often expensive, so we strive to provide many of the same products at a price that's very affordable.

Call today to find out more information and to order the best tasting grass-fed beef you have ever had!